TIMBA 2011
[spoiler title=”Henry C. Lea School’s Champions trip to University of Pennsylvania, 12/22” open=”0″ style=”1″]As part of its holistic approach to our educational program, Palms Solutions took 10 students from HENRY C. LEA SCHOOL to the University of Pennsylvania, where they visited the Microbiology and critical writing departments and got a chance to meet with faculty. Palms Solutions believes that this type of exposure should be encouraged and repeated to give the students better perspectives about life and goals to strive for. [/spoiler]
[spoiler title=”Open forum with potential TIMBA parents” open=”0″ style=”1″]The agenda included an introduction of the program staff, core components of the program, question and answer session, and registration. [/spoiler]
[spoiler title=”Palms Solutions Meetings with Teachers at Henry C. Lea School, 11/11” open=”0″ style=”1″]On November 8th, Palms Solutions TIMBA after-school program introduces staff, and leadership to Henry C. Lea School teachers. Palms Solutions receives feedback from Henry C. Lea School teachers on program design. On November 24th, Palms Solutions finalized the program and to identify TIMBA students at Henry C. Lea School.[/spoiler]
[spoiler title=”Palms Solutions presents microscopes to Henry C. Lea School, 9/11” open=”0″ style=”1″]Donated by Palms Solutions partners at the University of Pennsylvania, Science Teacher Mr. Snyder received three microscopes for his elementary school science classes. See movie [/spoiler]
[spoiler title=”TIMBA Kickoff at the Henry C. Lea School Elementary School with Sharon Katz and the “Peace Train” 9/2011” open=”0″ style=”1″]Grammy-nominated singer and human rights activist Sharon Katz at the Palms Solutions afterschool program–Technology & Inquiry in a Multicultural & Bilingual Academic setting (TIMBA) Kickoff on 9/22/2011 [/spoiler]
[spoiler title=”After-school program pre-assessment of Francophone students, 1/11” open=”0″ style=”1″]Over 40 African Francophone students, grades 3 – 5, met at the African Health Organization for their math assessments in preparation for the TIMBA After-school program.[/spoiler]