African Union Diaspora Meeting, 10/2010” African Union Consultation with the African Diaspora in the United States. Through a global dialogue, the AU hopes to build momentum for a global African Diaspora summit.

Rand Corporation, 9/2010” At the African First Ladies Fellowship Program, Palms Solutions was invited to explore, share, and exchange venues that are suitable for the African Francophone First Ladies involvement in the program. This meeting was an opportunity for Palms Solutions to highlight the importance and impact of a cross-cultural exchange and integration of knowledge between the USA and Africa.

[spoiler title=”First Lady Legacy Kickoff, 9/2010” As part of its memorandum of understanding with Women Campaign International, Palms Solutions has promoted the concept of First Ladies involvement in the economic development of their homelands.  This concept has now become an actual program funded recently by the Rockefeller Foundation.  Palms Solutions has been involved in promoting the coalition of African Francophone First Ladies, while our partner has been doing the same for the Anglophone First Ladies.

Creation of the First Women And Youth Cooporative consortium by Palms Solutions, 8/2010” In order to create a strong liaison between the Francophone Diaspora and their homelands, Palms Solutions embarked on a series of trips to Africa to build consortia that can serve as bridges or as direct partners to organizations in Africa.  Palms Solutions recently formed the first Women Cooperative Consortium (WCC) in the Ivory Coast, which has an effective membership of five thousand.

Signing of a Memorandum of Understanding with Centre des Initiatives Feminines (CDIF), 8/2010 Palms Solutions signed an M.O.U with Women Initiatives Center and Civic Engagement (WICCE). This organization will assist Palms Solutions with its rural community development activities. WICCE provides expertise in the areas of organizational structure, financial management and environmental protection as well as women’s civic rights.

Trip to Malawi to Meet With The Chairwomen of the African Union, 6/2010” Palms Solutions was welcomed to Malawi by First Lady Mrs. Mutharika (photo), who is also Chairwomen of the African Union.  In Malawi, Mr. Kouassi reinstated his conviction that the First Ladies could have a powerful, positive impact on their respective countries if provided with a structured agenda for actions.

Palms Solutions World Bank Meeting, 5/2010”  Mr. Kouassi shared Palms Solutions vision with Mr. Cambridge of the World Bank and also established a permanent contact with the institution. Furthermore, the Palms Solutions project to mobilize the African Francophone Diaspora was welcomed and supported by the World Bank Diaspora department as a valuable tool for enhancing Diaspora involvement in their homelands.

Signing of Memorandum of Understanding with GRABS, an NGO based in Benin, 4/2010

Wharon Business School Microfinance Conference, University of Pennsylvania, 4/2010” Mr. Kouassi moderated a Micro-Finance panel on “Ethics and Responsibility” at the Wharton Business School at the University of Pennsylvania.  The panel discussed the transformation of micro finance institutions and ways in which these institutions can use the strengths of the capital market while maintaining a developmental focus.

Signing of First Diaspora Health Insurance, 3/2010” Palms Solutions signed the first health insurance program specifically tailored to the needs and logistical constraints of the Diaspora. Many African leaders and organizations attended the signing ceremony.  This proactive action was spearheaded by Palms Solutions and is the first of its kind. The Diaspora, through our chapters, is now adopting it.

Meeting with the African Francophone Ambassadors M.O.U. With Africa Transformation Embassy (ATE), 2/2010” After meeting with leaders of the African Diaspora and other individuals concerned with the well-being of Africa, Palms Solutions was privileged to receive the support of the African Francophone Ambassadors.  Among the subjects discussed at these meetings, the design and application  of the African Francophone Database was particularly well-received. Palms Solutions also signed an M.O.U. with the African Transformation Embassy, which will provide technical assistance to Palms Solutions in rural community development.

World Bank African Diaspora Mobilization Conference, 2/2010” Palms Solutions was invited to the World Bank for a meeting designed to develop an open channel of communication with the African Diaspora.

Palms Solutions First Diaspora Meeting, 1/2010