[DDET Global forum sumit at the University of Pennsylvania(9/2009).] Palms Solutions presented its Integrated Partnership strategy, including the importance of coordinated interactions between academic institutions, local governments, US organizations and the Diaspora to sustained development in the rural areas of Africa.[/DDET] [DDET Signing of an M.O.U. between Palms Solutions and the University of Pennsylvania(8/2009).] Palms Solutions in collaboration with the University of Pennsylvania sets the stage for technology and knowledge transfer through students and faculty exchange.[/DDET] [DDET Trip to Mali(8/2009).] Clara Ng, Penn Senior and Palms Solutions intern, conducted surveys concerning the problem of diabetes and malnutrition, which according to the latest statistics (8/09) are now the leading causes of death among children 1-5 years old, in Mali. Palms solutions signed an M.O.U with the group 3AG for assistance with rural development capacity building, as well as the formation of the Wise Council.[/DDET] [DDET Meeting with the World Health Organization in Mali(8/2009).] Palms Solutions at the WHO to discuss how the French-speaking African Diaspora Coalition of the United States can be most efficient in its attempt to contribute to the well-being of the rural communities.[/DDET] [DDET Meeting with the African Development Bank in Mali(8/2009).] Palms Solutions was privileged to meet with the Regional manager of the African Development Bank (ADB) in Mali to discuss avenues in which the institution could contribute in facilitating the efforts and actions undertaken by the French-speaking African Diaspora Coalition to help the Homeland.[/DDET]

Creation of Palms Solutions (7/2009)